Scholarship Form
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Length of time in years
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Please write a response to the following questions.

Instructor/Institute of Choice:

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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Applicant must be a MTG Member for two or more consecutive years.  Immediate family members are also eligible.

Applicant may be related to a MTG Board Member, however the related Board Member must abstain from voting on recipient. Current MTG Board Members are not eligible for the MTG scholarship.
MTG Master Taxidermists are eligible for the scholarship providing they do not take their class in a category they are a master in.  (They are encouraged to teach these courses.)
Complete the MTG scholarship application in full. The scholarship application can be found on the MTG website.  Items left out will cause disqualification of application.
Applicant must provide course description and cost estimate the instructor/institute of choice, with the application.
Submit the completed application form by March 23rd, 2025.   Late applications will be denied.
The MTG Board will review the applications and decide who will be awarded the scholarship.
The recipient will be announced at the awards banquet at the annual show.  Applicants must be present to accept the award.
Class must be completed within 18 months of receiving the scholarship.
MTG will pay the instructor/institute directly upon receiving proof of completion from the instructor.
If the applicant fails to complete the class, the scholarship will be forfeited.
Instructor Qualifications
Instructors must be a Master Taxidermist, or an instructor approved by the MTG Board.
Scholarship may be used towards tuition at a taxidermy institute.
Instructor may be a Board member, but must be approved by a majority vote.