About Us

The Minnesota Taxidermy Guild (MTG) was formed in 1980 to improve and promote the art of taxidermy. We dedicate ourselves to preserving wildlife and bringing the fine art of taxidermy to a higher level.

The State Competition

Each year the MTG holds an annual convention and competition. This competition draws taxidermists from all over Minnesota and the surrounding states. Awards are given to the entered mounts based on scores from judges. There are also specialty awards given (see Awards Criteria List).

We host many seminars to help our members keep current on new and innovative supplies and techniques. Many national suppliers are also participating in the convention. They bring a wide inventory for members to purchase, saving on shipping costs.

What to expect?

Friday night is our Ice-Breaker party and auction. This is the time to meet new members if you haven’t already. Our banquet dinner and awards presentation is held on Saturday night. This is the moment everyone has waited for!

We encourage participation from all members. There are many opportunities throughout the year for members to be active at various levels. Various committees are working on ongoing tasks and are always looking for assistance.

Benefits of MTG

If you are a taxidermist you owe it to yourself, your business and your clients to become a member of a great educational organization. If you are a beginner or a hobbyist, you will be amazed at how much you can learn from other members, seminars and the convention. No matter what your level of experience is, you will make life-long friends and become a part of one of the best state taxidermy organizations around. You will become a member of our family.

Take a look around and find out what the MTG can do for you and how you can become a member!

Join The Guild